Why does God invite us to pray, but then doesn't seem to listen when we do? Why, when we pray for this, do we often get that? Is there some secret formula, or combination of words that can make our prayers more effective? Can I pray the wrong way? This series explores all of these questions as we seek to develop a vibrant prayer life with the One who created us.
Join us as we begin a new sermon series we’re calling, Conversations With God. We’ll be taking a look at the topic of prayer. When it comes to praying, a lot of people have more questions than answers. We wrestle with things like, “What should I pray for? What words do I say? Is God even listening? What if He doesn’t answer? Where do I even start?” And because it can feel confusing or intimidating or even pointless, because – let’s face it – God doesn’t exactly talk back to us the way our friends do – we give up and spend more of our time wishing instead of praying. Over the next four weeks we’ll unpack some principles for developing a powerful prayer life.
Jjoin us as we continue our series Conversations With God. We’re focusing on the topic of prayer; this week more specifically, on the purpose of prayer. I think a lot of people might say that the purpose of praying is to ask for divine help with something too big for them to handle on their own or to get something they want or need. But that perspective reduces God to some sort of cosmic vending machine. As we will discover, there’s a much deeper, and perhaps surprising, purpose for prayer. And it has everything to do with friendship.
We are in week three of a four-part series we’ve called, Conversations With God. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve unpacked the problem and the purpose of prayer. This week, we’re turning our attention to another aspect: the power of prayer. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah, writing to the people of Israel, penned these words from the LORD, “In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength. But you were not willing...” And the psalmist writes, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
It’s so counterintuitive to us. We are go-getters, the git-er-done-ers. From the time we’re old enough to utter the words, “I do it myself!” we are fiercely independent. It’s almost a badge of honor! But God coaxes and nudges us a different direction. Toward connection, relationship, dependency on Him. And it’s in that connection, communion, and conversation with Him that we find that the unlimited power of God is more than enough to meet our every need. Because there are some things we can’t DIY and even more that would be better if we didn’t try!
This Sunday we are wrapping up our series, Conversations With God. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been taking a look at the topic of prayer. We’ve unpacked some of our problems with prayer, and discovered fresh insights about the purpose and power of prayer. This week, we’re diving into the practice of prayer.
I know... practice doesn’t exactly sound fun. But it’s all about the expectations you attach to it. Playing piano wouldn’t be fun for me if I had to practice in order to play like Beethoven or Billy Joel (well, it might be kinda cool to play like Billy Joel!). But God has wired me to express the uniqueness of who I am through piano in my own way. I practice in the way that fits who He’s made me to be. And He’s invited me... and you... to do the same thing in prayer. Yes, there are certain things we need to get right, but my prayer life isn’t like anyone else’s. It’s my own personal, individual connection with God. And He’s longing to have the same connection with you.