While the Greek word “ekklesia” is mistranslated as “church” in many Bibles, the word means “group” or “gathering.” Christianity has always been a movement, with local groups of people living out the same approach and posture of Jesus.
While the Greek word “ekklesia” is mistranslated as “church” in many Bibles, the word actually means “group” or “gathering.” Christianity has always been a movement; local groups of people who are committed to becoming like Jesus, learning to live daily life with the posture of Jesus; a little more today than yesterday, a little more tomorrow than today. Being part of a local gathering of Jesus-followers means you’re a part of something big. Together, we get to model for our generation, and the next, what following Jesus looks like, sounds like, and reacts like in our culture. Are you in?
Have you ever been part of starting something new? Like a new business venture or launching a non-profit organization; maybe starting a new program within your company, or taking a risk and opening your home to host a Bible study for your neighbors. With every new venture there are tasks that need to be done, to-do lists that need to be conquered, in order for us to be successful.
This week, in our series Ekklesia, we take a look at the launch of the new thing that God was doing as the Church is birthed through the power of the Holy Spirit and the bold testimonies of the apostles. As people responded to the message about Jesus, the question on everyone's lips, was "What do we do now?" But as we will see, being part of Jesus' ekklesia is far more about Who - who Jesus is and who we are in Him - than it is about do; it's less about performing and more about becoming. Are you in?
Imagine with me for a minute… it’s the 9th inning of a do-or-die Major League Baseball playoff game. You’re warming up in the on-deck circle; stretching, jumping around to get the blood flowing, and swinging a bat for all it’s worth. You are hyped and ready to go. There are already runners at first and second, when the batter just ahead of you smacks a single, the runners advance, and holy-moly, the bases are loaded and it’s your turn! This is your moment… you’ve trained and prepared for this, you have the skills, you’ve studied the pitcher, you know what to look for. You are ready. But instead of walking to the batter’s box, you turn and walk to the bench. “I think I’ll sit this one out, Coach,” you say. “Somebody else can take my turn.”
It’s a far-fetched scenario, I’ll admit. IF we’re just talking baseball. But, when it comes to other things in life, it might not be as much of a stretch as you think. Every day, we are gifted with opportunities to step into moments where we can make an impact on the life of someone else – perhaps the kind of impact that changes their eternity. But far too often, we forfeit the opportunity.
As part of Jesus’ ekklesia, you are on the team. You have a role to play. Are you gonna sit on the bench or will you step up and swing?
When was the last time you did something bold... took a risk to share the truth about Jesus - not rudely, but kindly, grace-fully, with someone who doesn't know Him?
As we come to week 4 of our series, Ekklesia, we're looking at what it means to have bold faith. Not a get-in-your-face, demand my rights, shouting match kind of faith. But the kind that loves courageously, shares honestly, and speaks up even when you want to stay quiet.
I grew up in church. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know about Jesus… about His love for me, His death on the cross for my sin, and His resurrection. It is such a familiar story, that though my heart is filled with gratitude for God’s love, I will admit, I am not often in awe of it. I am prone to take that which I know of so well, for granted.
As we come to week five in our series, Ekklesia, we will look with fresh eyes at the wonder that filled the early followers of Jesus. And hopefully, in so doing, we will fan the flame of wonder within our own hearts.
This Sunday we are wrapping up our series, Ekklesia. As we do, there is one critical aspect of being part of the Church yet to unpack. It's a non-negotiable for anyone who identifies as a follower of Jesus. There is no opt-out available. We are all called to walk in, live in, and demonstrate what unity looks like in the midst of a completely broken world. Because we are brothers and sisters. We are family. And family sticks together.