emotionally healthy spirituality

I'm Not OK, You're Not OK

[Part 1]

Pastor Chris Voigt

January 3, 2021

We’re kicking off a new sermon series this Sunday, called Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. We believe that for too long, The Church (capital C) has neglected to disciple Christ-followers in the area of emotional health. You can’t be spiritually healthy if you’re not emotionally healthy. Being a Christ-follower should transform EVERY area of our lives…including the way we manage our emotions.

I’m really excited about this new series. Personally, I want to be as healthy as possible in every area of my life. Being healthy gives me the ability to give the very best of myself to Christ and to others; to live and love as God has called me to, to the very best of my ability. And I want the same for you. I long to see our church family THRIVING in every way. I hope you’ll join us as we set out on this journey toward greater emotional, and spiritual, health together.

Principle 1: Know Yourself That You May Know God [Part 2]

Pastor Chris Voigt

January 10, 2021

It’s an important question, and one that everyone, sooner or later, will need to answer: Who are you? In countries and cultures all around the world, people are searching for an identity. So where do we find it? How do we know who we are? Far too many settle for allowing feelings, community, or life experiences to provide an answer. Where can we find the truth?

In Hebrews 11: 24 we find a short, but important statement about one of the heroes of the Old Testament, “By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.” It was certainly true that Moses had grown up in the palace of Pharaoh, after being rescued as an infant by Pharaoh’s daughter. And though he probably felt both love and gratitude toward his adoptive mom, as he grew in his relationship with God, he understood that temporary circumstances did not provide him with a permanent identity. Moses looked to Yahweh, the God who created him, for the answer to that question.

This week, as we begin to dig into our new study, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, we’re looking at the importance of knowing who we really are. Do you know the answer to that question for yourself? Who or what have you allowed to define you?

Principle 2: Going Back in Order to Go Forward [Part 3]

Pastor Michelle Snook

January 17, 2021

Many of us, when we think of inheritance, think in positive terms. But not all that is passed from one generation to the next is necessarily beneficial! It requires no intentionality on our part to pass on our deficiencies, shortcomings, and defects. In fact, without intentionality, we will most certainly transmit to those who follow in our footsteps, the shackles of unhealth that go unchecked and untended in our own lives.

This week, as we continue in our study, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, we’re looking at the impact that our past has on us, and on future generations. As both a father and a grandfather, I want to make sure that I am doing all that I can to leave a healthy legacy for my kids and granddaughter. I believe you want the same for your family. But doing so requires us to do some work – both emotional and spiritual work.

Principle 3: Journey Through the Wall [Part 4]

Pastor Chris Voigt

January 24, 2021

Many of us, when we think of inheritance, think in positive terms. But not all that is passed from one generation to the next is necessarily beneficial! It requires no intentionality on our part to pass on our deficiencies, shortcomings, and defects. In fact, without intentionality, we will most certainly transmit to those who follow in our footsteps, the shackles of unhealth that go unchecked and untended in our own lives.

This week, as we continue in our study, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, we’re looking at the impact that our past has on us, and on future generations. As both a father and a grandfather, I want to make sure that I am doing all that I can to leave a healthy legacy for my kids and granddaughter. I believe you want the same for your family. But doing so requires us to do some work – both emotional and spiritual work.

Principle 4: Enlarge Your Soul Through Grief & Loss [Part 5]

Pastor Chris Voigt

January 31, 2021

This week, as we continue in our study, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, we’ll be looking at the role that grief and loss play in our journey toward becoming spiritually and emotionally healthy followers of Jesus. We’ll look at a slew of coping mechanisms that as humans, we tend to employ. On the surface, they seem to help us cope, but in reality, they keep us from growing. We’ll also discover how to process the losses of life in a healthy way, that will enable us to thrive, even through brokenness.

Principle 5: Discover the Rhythms of the Daily Office & Sabbath [Part 6]

Pastor John Sprouse

February 7, 2021

This week, as we continue our study, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, we’re shifting gears just a bit. We’ll look at ways to establish daily rhythms in our relationship with God, that enable us to cultivate deeper connection with Him. Ultimately, He is the Great Healer and a deeper connection with Him will help us align our lives with His Word in ways that bring emotional healing and spiritual growth.

Principle 6: Grow Into An Emotionally Mature Adult

[Part 7]

Pastor Chris Voigt

February 21, 2021

As we continue in our study, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality this week, we’ll be taking a look at what it looks to be an emotional adult; unpacking the qualities that mark the lives of those who are emotionally and spiritually healthy. It matters, perhaps more than ever, that we as followers of Jesus, live our faith boldly and show a desperately broken world that there is health and hope in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Principle 6: Grow Into An Emotionally Mature Adult

[Part 8]

Pastor Chris Voigt

February 28, 2021

As we wrap up our Emotionally Healthy Spirituality series this Sunday, we’ll be digging into the concept of developing a personal “rule of life.” Now some of you love rules, so for you, this sounds awesome. But, you rebels out there, aren’t quite as excited. But again, rules provide a framework that help us to thrive. The goal here is to add a tool to our skillset that will equip us grow toward greater emotional and spiritual health. And that’s been our goal all along; becoming healthier, both emotionally and spiritually. Because you can’t be spiritually healthy, it you’re not emotionally healthy.


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