Grief doesn’t come when it’s convenient, when your schedule allows, when you have plenty of margin in your life. Loss comes in a variety of ways and hijacks your plans, your emotions, maybe even your wallet. And there is no escape. You’ve most likely already navigated some sort of loss in your life. After the last year and a half, who hasn’t? But if by chance, you happen to have been spared thus far, your turn is coming. You can count on it.
Because grief is no respecter of persons. Grief won’t schedule an appointment or your calendar, or wait until you have time for it. You can’t delegate it to someone else to handle for you or buy yourself a pass to a loss-free life. The hard truth is: everything and everyone is broken. We all experience heartache, pain, and loss. But even in loss, there is hope! There is truth to hold on to and a way to process our pain and experience healing. That’s what this series is all about.
In this message, we’ll be unpacking the first phase of ‘getting through’ – shock.
Life is uncertain. Learning how to navigate the uncertainties of life and process the losses we all experience in a healthy way, is essential to our emotional and spiritual growth.
We are in week 3 of our series, How to Get Through What You’re Going Through. This week, we’re talking about sorrow and what it looks like to enter in and work through sorrow in a healthy way. And, “Suck it up, buttercup” is not part of the process. God never intended for pain to be part of our story. But He does promise to redeem our pain and heal our wounds, if we choose to enter into the healing process that He has designed us for.
In this 4th episode of our series How to Get Through What You’re Going Through, we’re taking a look at the reality of struggle. Though we all face difficulty, we’re not all in the same boat. What feels like a struggle for me, might not be a struggle for you. But no matter what struggle you are facing, there is a healthy way to navigate through it and get to the other side successfully.
We’ve been taking a look at how to navigate grief and loss in a healthy way. Because loss impacts everyone. No one is exempt. This week marks a turning point in our series, How to Get Through What You’re Going Through. We’ve looked at shock, sorrow, and struggle; now we turn our attention to surrender. If surrender means to yield or give up, to acknowledge our weakness or inability…then what is it I’m surrendering? To whom am I yielding? And how can this possibly be a good or healthy thing? Join us as we unpack the process of surrender and discover the peace that comes as we enter into it.
In this message, we’re looking at the 5th stage of ‘getting through’ – sanctification. Now that’s a big, church-y word! But what it comes down to is the truth that God can use the pain, grief, loss, disappointments, the junk of our lives to transform us. Like the carbon minerals that are transformed under high pressure and high heat into beautiful diamonds, God can use the hard things in our lives to transform us.
This is message 7 of our series, How to Get Through What You’re Going Through. We’re taking a look at how to navigate grief and loss in a healthy way. God has promised in His Word, the Bible, that He is with us in the dark places. And not only is He with us, but that there are treasures hidden for us there.
In this series, we’ve been talking about how to get through whatever it is that you’re going through. We’ve all experienced loss, pain, and grief. None of us get a pass to a pain-free life. But in our American culture, we tend to hide the broken pieces of our lives, rather than allowing them to be revealed.
Romans 8:28 says, ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’
All things…the hard, the broken, the lost, all of it. God wastes nothing when we give Him the pieces. This Sunday, as we wrap up this series, we’ll be talking about what it means to not waste your pain.