on this rock

Penned by Edward Mote, one of the great hymns of our faith begins with these lyrics: My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. The letters of Peter were written to encourage and remind Christ-followers to anchor their lives in Jesus Christ, to pursue a life of transformation, even in times of suffering and upheaval. Our hope is Christ, our Solid Rock, the Cornerstone who modeled what it looks like to remain faithfully obedient to, and passionate about, God’s plans and purposes…even when life is hard.

Living Hope/Holy Life [Part 1]

Kap Otten

February 12, 2023

This week we are beginning a brand-new series we’re calling, On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter. Over the next several weeks, we will be digging into these personal and passionate letters written by the Apostle Peter. If you’re familiar with Peter’s story from the gospels, you know he was bold, outspoken, and passionate. There was no holding back with Peter! Peter was well-known throughout the early church. So, imagine the joy and excitement of the believers who received his written words of encouragement! Living essentially as exiles, scattered through Asia Minor, following Jesus was not just counter-cultural, it was difficult! As we will discover, Peter’s words to them, and to us, are filled with encouragement about the hope we have in Christ and the firm foundation upon which our faith can stand.

Our Submission/God's Honor [Part 2]

Pastor Chris Voigt

February 19, 2023

Last week we began a brand-new series called On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter. Over the next few weeks, we will be taking a look at these two letters written by the Apostle Peter. Peter knew first-hand what it meant to forget who you are and who you represent. He’d felt the sting of failure and born the weight of disgrace. So as he encourages his readers to remember who they are and whom they represent, he writes from a deeply personal place. Who do you represent and what kind of representative are you?

Righteous Life/Ready Defense [Part 3]

Pastor Michelle Snook

February 26, 2023

We are three weeks into our series On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter. The Apostle Peter wrote his letters to both Jewish and Gentile Christ-followers who were scattered throughout five different parts of the Roman Empire in Asia Minor. Life for them, living in a foreign land and under the persecution of the Roman emperor Nero, was difficult, to say the least. Peter’s words of hope as they faced uncertainty reminded them of the unshakeable foundation that was theirs in Christ. And his words of encouragement, to steadfastly live out their faith, even in the face of oppression, motivated them to imitate Christ, that the world around them might see and know Him.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to become like Him, to walk and talk the way He did, so that others might see a true picture of Christ and be drawn to Him. Are you growing to be like Christ? Join us this Sunday and be encouraged in your pursuit to be more like Jesus.

Steadfast in Suffering [Part 4]

Pastor Chris Voigt

March 5, 2023

Time is our most valuable commodity. Tolkien said “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively. The benefits of good time management include greater productivity, less stress, and more opportunities to do the things that matter. But who decides what things matter? Is it just completely subjective?

We are working our way through the Apostle Peter’s letters to the churches scattered throughout Asia Minor in a series we’ve called On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter. As we dive into 1 Peter 4 this week, we’ll find that Peter has some insight for us about how to make the best use of our time.

On the one hand, we all get 24 hours every day. No more, no less. On the other hand, none of us knows how much time we have left. How we use whatever time God gives, is of utmost importance. Let’s learn how to make the most of it!

Shepherd, Serve, Stand [Part 5]

Pastor Jon Sprouse

March 12, 2023

As we come to the end of Peter’s first letter to the churches of Asia Minor, Peter shares some powerful principles about what godly leadership – the stewardship of our influence - looks like. Peter unpacks principles for shepherding the people God has placed in our care and living out our faith with both humility and boldness.  

We are in the middle of our series, On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter. As Peter wraps up the first of his letters, he challenges his readers to lead wisely and follow well. Because it’s hard to be an effective leader, if you haven’t first learned how to be a follower.

No matter what roles God has given you to play in life, you are most likely leading in some ways, and following in others. It’s vitally important that we know how to do both in ways that bring honor and glory to God. Let’s learn to leverage our influence wisely in every role.

Fruitful Faith [Part 6]

Pastor Michelle Snook

March 19, 2023

This week, as we continue in our series, On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter, we begin unpacking Peter’s second letter. Peter is writing what he believes will be his final words to the churches scattered throughout Asia Minor. He’s living in Rome, during the reign of Nero, who was persecuting the followers of The Way. When we were in Rome a few years ago, we visited the Coliseum, one of the places where Christians were tortured and killed for sport. Peter knows that it won’t be long before Roman soldiers come for him as well. And he has an urgent, final message to share.

Peter is writing to people like you and I who are facing difficult circumstances, to give them clear instruction on how to keep from feeling useless or unfruitful. He wants them (and us) to know how to make the most of what God has given us, so that we can avoid looking back on our lives with regret.

What has God given you? How are you growing, using, investing all that He has provided for you? Join us this Sunday as we learn how to leverage all of who we are and what we’ve been given for the cause of Christ.

Condemning Counterfeits

[Part 7]

Pastor Chris Voigt

March 26, 2023

We are almost to the end of our series, On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter. In our passage this week, Peter addresses the issue of identifying counterfeits. This was vitally important for the young churches Peter was writing to and it’s just as important for us today. Our enemy is as determined to deceive and destroy as ever. He is the ultimate con man. Nothing delights him more than successfully getting us off track. We must be able to distinguish between true and false. They aren’t always what they appear to be!

Forward Facing Faith [Part 8]

Pastor Chris Voigt

April 2, 2023

We are wrapping up our study of the letters of Peter this Sunday. As we look at Peter’s final words to the believers to whom he was writing, we find valuable instructions about what it means to wait well.

As followers of Jesus, we say we believe that God is the author of time, that we trust His timing, His purposes, His sovereignty. But if we really trust Him, why are we so impatient when things don’t go according to our timetables? Why are we so unable to wait?

So often we think of waiting as unproductive. But according to Peter, it is anything but! Perhaps we need to re-evaluate our perspective on waiting.


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