running on empty

Are you running on empty these days? At the end of your proverbial rope, like Elijah? More month than money (or groceries) like the widow of Zarephath? Depleted of resources, low on energy, losing sleep, or just lost in a dark place?

Have you ever noticed how many stories in the Bible are about emptiness and how God fills it?

In every instance of emptiness, when all had been poured out, used up, exhausted, depleted… God stepped in bringing fullness, light, hope, and joy. And not just a little bit… but abundant, overflowing, unimaginable fullness and delight.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep [Part 1]

Pastor Chris Voigt

September 8, 2024

Have you ever noticed how many stories in the Bible are about emptiness and how God fills it? In every instance of emptiness, when all had been poured out, used up, exhausted, depleted… God stepped in bringing fullness, light, hope, and joy. And not just a little bit… but abundant, overflowing, unimaginable fullness and delight.  

Are you running on empty these days? At the end of your proverbial rope, like Elijah? More month than money (or groceries) like the widow of Zarephath? Depleted of resources, low on energy, losing sleep, or just lost in a dark place? I invite you to join us as we begin a new sermon series this week called, Running On Empty.

There's a Hole In Your Bucket [Part 2]

Pastor Chris Voigt

September 15, 2024

Your car might have a leak in the radiator, or maybe the engine is leaking oil, or the power steering fluid is seeping out somewhere. For those things, there are Stop-Leak products that can be helpful - at least for a bit. A leaky tire can be remedied with a can of Fix-a-Flat or FlatOut... it'll at least get you to the nearest Les Schwab. These products, used effectively make is possible for our radiators, engines, and tires to be filled with the right stuff in order to function like they're supposed to. 

Wouldn't it be great if refilling our souls could be as simple as using the correct product? 

We all have leaks in our lives... things that drain us. Some we can fix, others we just have to manage. But what if I told you that there are strategies that you could use to help fix the leaks and/or refill your bucket? Join us for this message as we continue our sermon series, Running On Empty.


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