
Your spiritual journey is supposed to be the continuous, uninterrupted deepening of your spiritual roots...step by step, decision by decision, becoming like Jesus.

It's supposed to be.

But what happens when it's not? What happens when you get stuck? And even more importantly, how to you get unstuck so you can get back in the race to win?

The (UN)comfort Zone

[Part 1]

Pastor Chris Voigt

September 10, 2023

Most people want to use their time well and spend it wisely. We value productivity, growth, health and happiness. We want life to be good; always moving up and to the right. But sooner or later, we all get sidelined – something breaks down, whether in us or around us, and we find ourselves stuck. Stuck can have a lot of different faces and look a lot of different ways. Which can sometimes make it difficult to recognize.

This Sunday we are beginning a new sermon series we’re calling Stuck: Get Back In the Race. Over the next four weeks, we’ll be unpacking the different ways that stuck can look in our lives and discovering strategies we can use to help us get moving again.

You know, though it sounds like it would be, getting stuck or being stuck isn’t a problem. It happens to all of us, all the time, for a variety of reasons. But staying stuck is damaging. Join us as we learn how to get unstuck and move forward; growing together toward our goal of becoming more like Jesus.

You Who [Part 2]

Pastor Chris Voigt

September 17, 2023

We are in week two of a new sermon series we’ve called, Stuck: Get Back in the Race. As we continue in our study this week, we’re going to take a look at who God says we are - beneath the labels, the job descriptions, the hats we wear and the roles we play. Strip all those things away and what’s left? What’s at the core of who you are? And how does that shape the way you live?

Having a clear understanding of who we are is essential for healthy growth. And there isn’t anyone who doesn’t need a reminder from time to time, about what is really true about us. It’s when we forget, that we are prone to getting stuck. Join us this Sunday as we rewrite our labels and remember what is really true about who we are in Christ.

Stuck in a Rut [Part 3]

Pastor Michelle Snook

September 24, 2023

We are in week 3 of our 4-week series we’ve called Stuck: Get Back in the Game. This week we’ll consider some of the reasons we get stuck and stay stuck, along with some how-tos for getting unstuck.

Everyone, at some point – and probably more than once – is going to get stuck. It might be relationally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, or even physically. And when it happens, having a strategy for getting unstuck will be the difference between faltering and flourishing, between life and death.

Risky Faith [Part 4]

Pastor Chris Voigt

October 1, 2023

This week we are wrapping up our series, Stuck: Get Back in the Race. We’re going to unpack what it could or perhaps should look like for followers of Jesus to live out a faith that takes risks; that is unflinchingly ready to say ‘Yes’ to the possibilities and opportunities God puts in our lives.

I don’t know about you, but I want to live a life with no regrets. A life of saying ‘yes’ to whatever Jesus calls me to – regardless of the risk. And it’s a pretty safe bet that God is calling you to a ‘yes’ of some kind, in one area of your life or another. Saying ‘no’ shuts the door to opportunities, possibilities, and even improbabilities. What miracle might you be missing out on, because you’re afraid to take a risk?


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