In a world of uncertainty, Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians call us to
stand firm in faith, endure trials with joy, and live in the hope of Christ’s
return. This powerful series will challenge us to grow in holiness, encourage
one another, and stay ready for the coming of our Lord. Join us as we dive into
these timely messages and discover how to live with confidence, courage, and an
unshakable hope!
While the Greek word “ekklesia” is mistranslated as “church” in many Bibles, the word actually means “group” or “gathering.” Christianity has always been a movement; local groups of people who are committed to becoming like Jesus, learning to live daily life with the posture of Jesus; a little more today than yesterday, a little more tomorrow than today. Being part of a local gathering of Jesus-followers means you’re a part of something big. Together, we get to model for our generation, and the next, what following Jesus looks like, sounds like, and reacts like in our culture. Are you in?
Finishing strong is tough for just about everyone. No matter what kind of long-term goal you've set, or project you're working on... we're all prone to letting frustration or difficulties get in the way.
We're in week two of our series Hope for Today // Faith for Tomorrow this Sunday. In chapter 2 of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians, he unpacks what it looks like to be faithful to Jesus for the long haul... to stay the course and finish strong.
This is week 3 of our series Hope for Today // Faith for Tomorrow and we're in chapter 3 of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians. In this section of his letter, we catch a glimpse of Paul's deep desire (to travel) to be with his Thessalonian friends. But even more than that, he wanted to be sure that they were living each day with their eternal destination in view. Day-to-day life can easily distract or discourage us from focusing on eternity. There is much that demands our attention. But Paul reminds us of the importance of holding tight to an eternal perspective.
We're in week 4 of our series on Paul's letters to the Thessalonians. We've titled this series Hope for Today // Faith for Tomorrow, and we've reached the final chapter of 1 Thessalonians. As Paul begins to conclude this first letter, he's focused on encouraging his readers to keep growing in their faith. Just as spring brings signs of growth in the natural world, Paul wants to see continual evidence, or signs of spiritual growth in the lives of the Thessalonian believers. He's cheering them on in their pursuit of becoming more and more like Jesus and giving them practical instruction for the journey.